Statistics of gambling by Finnish people

Learn about how much money is spent on gambling, gambling outside the monopoly system and enforcing the age limit in Finland.

How much money is spent on gambling?

By international standards, Finns gamble a lot.

  • Finns lost around €1,070 million on Veikkaus games in 2022, of which 49.7% was spent on games at retail outlets and 50.3% on online games.
  • The average Finn spends around €240 a year on Veikkaus games.
  • Approximately €1 billion is distributed annually in accordance with the distribution ratios set out in the Lotteries Act.
  • In 2020, €175 million was paid in lottery taxes (Veikkaus 93%, Paf 6%).
  • The extent of gambling can’t be accurately calculated, as Finns also play non-Veikkaus games online and engage in private, illegal betting.

The proceeds from gambling are used in accordance with Section 17 of the Lotteries Act for the following purposes:

  • 53% for the promotion of sports and physical education, science, art and youth work;
  • 43% for the promotion of health and social wellbeing;
  • 4 % for the promotion of horse breeding and equestrian sports.

Gambling outside the monopoly system

No precise data is available on the amount of gambling outside the monopoly system. A study by the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (2023) (in Finnish) provides estimates from different operators:

  • According to the FCCA's own estimate, gambling outside the state monopoly system amounted to approximately €520–590 million in 2021.
  • The Gambling Administration at the National Police Board estimate the amount to be less than €300 million.
  • The consultancy firm H2GC puts the estimate at around €450 million.
  • The Ministry of the Interior’s working group (2023) gave an estimate of around €500-550 million.    

Enforcing the age limit

All gambling has been forbidden for persons under the age of 18 since the amendment that went into effect on 1 July 2011. It has distinctly decreased gambling of young people.

The responsibility for enforcing the age limit lies with the gaming operators as well as with the representatives and sellers of the games. Neglecting to enforce the age limit can lead to criminal liability.

Test purchases have repeatedly shown serious shortcomings in enforcing the age limit, especially when it comes to slot machines.

In 2021, compulsory identification on slot machine games outside casinos came into force, which will help reduce underage gambling.

See also:

The Finnish gambling system

Who gambles?

Statistical information on the extent of the gambling problem in Finland


Research reports of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority 3/2023. Current state and development of online gambling and gambling outside the state monopoly system (in Finnish)

Ministry of Finance. Tax survey 2023 (in Finnish)

Ilta-Sanomat (in Finnish)