Financial and debt advice
Debts due to gambling? Find useful information, support and advice on how to manage financial matters. If you like to discuss options, call or chat us. Peluuri's helpline is open every weekday from 12 noon to 6 pm. Peluuri's chat is open mon, wed, fri from 12 noon to 3 pm. Our services are free and confidential and in English if possible.
Call 0800100101
Municipal financial and debt councelling
The money and debt councellor can give you information about dealing with personal money matters and debts. The money and debt councelling service is a free municipal service. The councellors also help people with debt settlements if they are too deeply in debt.
Find your municipal councellor
Guarantee Foundation
Guarantee Foundation is a national social organisation which assists private persons struggling with a financial crisis in solving their debt and payment problems.The objective is to improve management of personal finances and promote independent coping in the society.
Call Debt Line 0800 9 8009.
Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority
Facts and advice
FCCA's web pages provide advice on how to manage financial matters. Among other things, there is information on how to plan your finances, how to make payments and how to deal with financial difficulties.